Affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) , New Delhi , (Affiliation Code: 3430271)

What We Wish

Our vision is to develop the school as happy place for the children. Everyday the school must be full or learning with pleasure so that the children love to come to their abode of knowledge. With great pride and happiness, we can say today that 'Yes! St. Micheal Anglo Indian School dearly loved by its students and the don't want to miss it for a single day!' The interactive relation between the teachers and the students allow them to bloom like flowers and they can express their doubts, their insecurities freely. We believe that you can excel only if you are doing your work happily. The atmosphere at st Michael Anglo Indian School rightly expresses that!


Our Detemination

We are determined to provide education by encouraging academic excellence and to create ample opportunities for the all-round development of students. 
The School strives to stimulate creative thoughts in Pointers and teaches them the values of caring so that they become worthy and responsible citizens.
The School Emblem, showing a bird in flight, symbolises man’s undaunted quest for knowledge. 
The School Motto is Courage to Know. It is a tribute to all those who, in the face of blind prejudice, religious bigotry, social ostracism and even death, refused to give up their search for truth.
As a truly inclusive school, the diversity of the students we admit is wide-ranging. Our aim is to provide quality education to all. More and more students compete to study in our school. During annual and term reviews of their child’s progress, parents appreciate and commend the School’s effort at the all-round development of their children.
The school faculty comprises highly qualified, sincere and dedicated staff and teachers. Students feel safe and secure in school at all times, as we teach, uphold and instill in them the highest moral and spiritualvalues of life.

Our Vision

Achieve this, we offer products and partnerships that endeavour to raise literacy levels across the country. Reading is, after all, the basic building block to the realisation of personal potential. We continue to assess and re-assess the opportunities we have, and the challenges we face, to intellectually stimulate and inspire people to do more with their lives. Every year, we cover more ground. Every year, we see our promise set in motion.
To develop future-ready global youth who will enhance society through their scholastic achievements; possess a drive to excel and a compassion and understanding of the complex and uncertain world around them.


Our Mission

To develop students who will:
Achieve the highest academic standards
Grow to be analytical and critical thinkers
Become compassionate and sensitive leaders
A safe and nurturing school environment that supports and encourages life-long learning
Teachers who are professionally proficient and passionate educators.



What constructs a well-structured teaching module? An effective pedagogy. Pedagogy is the science of teaching or education. At Pearson, our pedagogy focuses on ‘how’ teaching and learning occur. We use an array of teaching strategies that include direct instruction, collaborative learning and inquiry based learning. Ultimately, we aim to blend consistency and variety in teaching methods by combining established learning theories with innovative practices and programmes. All of which help students to improve their learning outcomes and achieve their full potential.


Our Theories

Our teaching and learning theories are based on proven educational practices. At the same time, they are adapted to the contemporary and innovative methods gaining popularity across the globe today. We use cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences to help students absorb, process and retain information more effectively. We also make it a point to include a wide variety of experiential and visual approaches. image.


A Learner Centric Focal Point

The delivery mechanisms followed by our school curriculam are learner centric in order to make measurable impacts on students’ lives. Some of the learning outcomes we aim for are:
Proficiency in subjects like English, Math and Science, according to benchmarks set by national standards.
The ability to think critically and analytically.
Familiarity with technology
The development of 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, leadership, personal and social responsibility